I believe that the integrated marketing
communication techniques that Tiffany and Co utilized for the campaign of their
exclusive collection for The Great Gatsby film, was extremely successful. Not
only did it deliver a clear message of style, prestige, luxury and glamour,
portrayed through various channels, it informed consumers and induced action
for them to visit the Sydney store – even if to just view the range. Collaborating
with Vogue magazine allowed the brand to target the campaign toward a specific
market of fashionable women aged between 18-45 years with a medium to high
disposable income, similar to that of the Tiffany and Co target consumers.
Using a consistent message and theme across the broad range of communication
elements, including print advertising, public relations, direct marketing and
the contemporary approach of special events and sponsorship, allowed this
campaign to be effective and compelling for consumers. As all elements of the
integrated marketing campaign were staggered in a 3-week period, it saturated
the market with the excitement and buzz of the film release in conjunction with
the release of The Blue Book jazz-age-inspired Tiffany and Co collection.
(Source: Washington Post Online)